Jack Haning
My name is Jack Haning and I have been a learner at Acton Academy for 5 years. A lot has changed since the first year and that comes to show that at Acton Academy, we aren't afraid to change, you see, Acton Academy isn't where you go to school, you listen to your teacher tell you what to memorize then you write it down on a paper. We are learner driven, since I have been here I became less shy, I had more confidence, and I wasn't afraid to share my opinion. At Acton Academy, we have a simple phrase that drives us to do what we do "find a calling, change the world." At Acton, we influence learners to be problem solvers, and hard workers. We have quests to show learners different callings and are one goal, to help learners find their calling, and change the world. So, would you like to send your child to a school where they learn to find a calling, and change the world?
- Jack Haning, Elementary Learner at Acton Academy